Preventing Delays in Commercial Construction

Commercial construction projects are significant endeavors, whether it involves constructing a multi-floor office building, retail space, or car dealership. Properly preparing for the job is essential to ensure efficiency. However, many commercial projects face delays, leading to extended project timelines. By understanding these issues and their solutions, you can anticipate and potentially prevent unnecessary setbacks.



Causes of Delays in Construction

  • Procuring materials can often be a tense affair within the realm of large-scale commercial projects. Picture the anticipation of receiving custom or oversized materials – akin to observing paint dry! Like permits, a common pitfall lies in procrastinating the procurement of these unique materials. This delay inevitably halts construction progress right at the peak of momentum.
  • A Lack of Effective Communication: Commercial projects involve numerous moving parts and involved parties. It is vital to maintain open channels of communication with multiple teams, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Regrettably, issues can arise swiftly when there is unclear communication and key parties are excluded from important discussions.
  • Proper Permitting Issues: Acquiring the necessary permits for a commercial construction project can be a lengthy procedure. One common mistake is failing to allocate a sufficient time frame for permit approval. Such oversight can halt a project, resulting in the loss of valuable time and money.



Avoiding These Issues

  • Get the scoop on what materials you need early on! Some items can moonwalk their way to you slowly, so why not kickstart the party by ordering them ASAP? Teaming up with a savvy contractor can be your secret weapon to ace these orders and dodge any roadblocks down the line.
  • Set the clock to reality when dealing with permits: Government approvals have their own pace that can’t be rushed. The secret sauce? Plan and give those permits the time they need to dance through the approval process smoothly. Start this discussion early in your planning stages.
  • Communication Organization: It is crucial to effectively relay information and updates to all parties involved. Establishing a clear communication chain, a process for sharing information, and a comprehensive list of key points of contact can facilitate smooth information flow and ensure everyone stays well-informed. Additionally, regular meetings help keep individuals updated on information and upcoming events.




Abundance of Best Practices

  • Get Your Finances Ready: Planning your budget is crucial to avoid any delays. Apart from outlining all expenses, it’s essential to secure funding. By having multiple funding options, like approval from different banks, and backup plans, you can prevent any setbacks.
  • Steer clear of unnecessary tweaks: altering your design can throw a project off track faster than a squirrel on a trampoline. While some changes are a must for a job well done, dodging those optional tweaks can help keep your project sailing smoothly, hitting deadlines, and saving those precious pennies.
  • Killer Planning: Key to a successful commercial construction project is a well-thought-out plan. Ensure you have a clear vision of your goals, budget, timeline, and the project scope. For instance, understanding details like the number of floors, units, and overall floor plans is crucial during construction.



Seeking a Reliable Construction Partner

At Robert Hakes Construction, we’ve been rocking the commercial construction scene for a whopping 35 years! Our client list includes many national known brands, including Heritage Bank, Sugaring NYC, Snap Fitness, PBS, and then some. Ready to kickstart your project? Reach out today and let’s turn your dreams into concrete reality!